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Author Posts

My Story – Dr. Jessica Trevthick

Dr. Trevthick shares the amazing story of how God called her to her ministry of creative preaching.

July 19, 2015

A man after God’s own heart

[vc_row][vc_column width="2/3" show_title="false" heading_style="heading_1"][vc_column_text] I love sheep. I used to own six of them. Frequently I

July 18, 2015

Why Donate Us

[vc_row][vc_column width="2/3" show_title="false" heading_style="heading_1"][vc_column_text] Tenean leo vene quam. Pellntes ique ornare sem eius modt

July 3, 2015

Is it a trick, or is it a treat?

As I walked in and out of shop, after shop, the other day, I was confronted with the same thing—witches, devils, ghosts, blood, vampires, masks, ske

July 1, 2014

Report: Young Women and the Word – “Hearing Voices, Finding Your Own”

More than 50 participants and over 125 guests met at Campus Hill Church in Loma Linda, California, on April 12, 2008, for the first annual Young Women

July 1, 2014

Changing the people who change the world

July 1, 2014